Monday, January 9, 2012

And the envelope goes to...

So almost a year later... and I'm on my third post...!

Bad, I know... Maybe I will turn a new leaf for this new year and actually blog as I set out to do originally.  Now only 2 days less than 6 months away from my wedding day.

So, I just purchased my envelope paper!  Let me back up a smidge.  I decided to make my own pocketfold envelopes (will post about this some other time).  The price was $.10-$.15 versus $1.00-$2.00 per an envelope.  So you KNOW I had to DIY-up.  I was very happy with how they came out, but the main problem is custom invites... means custom envelopes!  I realized the pocketfolds would be at least an inch and a half short width-wise in a normal invitation envelope, and I feel that would look stupid.

Therefore, in my mind that logically means... I must make the envelopes too!  I am insane, I know and admit and accept this.  :)

So, getting the paper turned out to be quite the adventure.

On a whim last Monday, I decided to stop in at Michael's (a craft store in my area) to simply look at scrapbook cardstock paper.  I had already created an envelope template using an 8 1/2 by 11 page piece of paper, and it was not big enough so I had to go with a 12 by 12 piece of paper.  I decided to go with cardstock too because I was going to do it, I was going to do it right.  Unbeknown to me, there was a sale on this cardstock - normally $.39 a piece it was on sale for $.25 cents each.

Well, luckily for me I found a great orange (that's my wedding accent color) linen cardstock that was on sale.  I went through the stack of papers and found 40 that were in perfect shape (a few were banged up, so I left those).  I go to check out and the worker mentions to her co-worker, "Ugh... these aren't in the computer... I hate the manager. I don't want to call her over... I'll just do it by hand."  Well, let me say -- she MUST greatly dislike the manager to spend about 3 times more time and energy to manually change each price.  Plus she kept loosing count so she had to recount how many she scanned.  I pointed out that if she just does it until its $10 before tax that will be 40 pieces.  So she gets to like $10.08 after tax and says, "I'm sick of this... you'll just get some for free." LOL  Well I certainly didn't mind, but really she probably only needed to scan like 4 more... but whatever.

Then since I cleaned them out, they offered to call another store in the area to put more paper on hold.  I needed 80 more sheets, so that worked for me.  A worker at the other store told us that they had 25 sheets to put on hold for me.  The next day I go to the store, and... it turns out I went to the wrong store!  Which had only 1 sheet...  and that led me to find out the $.25 per a piece was a 1-day sale...! 

I was 20 minutes away from the correct store... and it closed in 30 minutes.  My fiance was with me, and he proceeded to informed me that he didn't think we'd make it... which I responded with, “That isn’t helping! Get in the car – I’m driving!”  I insisted on driving because I knew if we didn't make it, I'd have no choice but to turn my anger toward him.  At least if I drove, I'd only have myself to blame.  Even though it was my fault we were at the wrong store in the first place...!

So we get in and... we make it there with 10 minutes to spare!  They have the paper waiting for me behind the counter, and it says "25 sheets" on a little piece of paper.  I explain that I was at the wrong store, so I already know the paper is no longer on sale -- but if I knew that it was a 1-day sale I would have come the day I put them on hold...  And the call the manager over, kindly put the sale price in for me, and I pay and go.  Well, actually we leave after my fiance bought some plastic toy pigs that were also on sale... don't ask.  :P

We get in the car... and I tell fiancé, “My adrenaline from rushing like a maniac to get the store before they closed has gone... and I'm exhausted.  Please drive!”  As we are on our way home I look at the bag of paper... and realize that it looks like there are more than 25 pieces of paper... and proceed to count... 30... 35... 40... FOURTY-FIVE pieces!! WHAT A DEAL!  I was so excited and beaming.  That's like $.13 a piece!  AWESOME!

All that crazed rushing was totally worth it!  (I am aware that adds to all of a few dollars, but I am a sales-aholic!) 

Then yesterday's newspaper brought news of a sale at A.C. Moore (another craft store nearby me) has cardstock paper for 3 for $1.00.  I stopped in and found linen paper in similar shades of orange.  I was able to get the 35 more sheets I needed.  So now I'm set!  I just made a template for the envelope, and am quite happy with it.  I hope it looks even better in orange linen paper!  :)

(I will post a how to on the envelopes at some point.)

Ah, wedding craziness.  I know I am a little crazier than some… or even most… but I’m sure everyone has some crazy adventure you had while planning your wedding – please share in the comments section!

~ A Rosey Bride

1 comment:

  1. Here are the YouTube videos I used for a better idea on making envelopes by hand. (Maybe at some point I'll attempt to start making videos too!)
